Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Kindfulness is focused awareness of the present moment.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Kindfulness is focused awareness of the present moment. Kindfulness lets us be fully conscious of a simple sensation like the warmth of su...
Kindfulness is focused awareness of the present moment. Kindfulness lets us be fully conscious of a simple sensation like the warmth of sunlight or of the complex interplay between our thoughts and feelings.

By tuning in to mental processes, we are able to recognise that our thoughts are just thoughts; they don't necessarily represent reality. We can observe them rather than being subject to them.

Kindfulness lets us absorb the richness of the moment instead of going through life with half of our attention on the past or future or our own mental chatter. The self-knowledge that comes from mindfulness lets us be more intentional in choosing priorities and actions that fit our life mission.


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